Apprenticeship Program

We are currently accepting applications for an apprenticeship program on our farm, which is being run through the Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association (OEFFA). You can get more information about the apprenticeship and the application process at the OEFFA site; look for the apprentice logo on the lower left column. Potential applicants will have to set up a free online account with OEFFA first. But in a nutshell, it’s eight weeks in length and will overlap our spring lambing. The intent is to offer an opportunity for someone interested in learning about a sheep operation during the most intensive time of year, and see how this fits into a homestead operation.  It will be a great opportunity to work side by side with us and through it receive both formal and informal instruction.

We do offer farm stays and farm visits throughout the year to folks interested in homesteading or who want to purchase lamb or sheep from us and want to see firsthand how our sheep are raised. Contact us through our website to coordinate available dates, pricing and lodging.

As a caveat, we don’t consider ourselves experts by no means. We’ve been at this since 2006. But what we bring to the table is an opportunity to see a homestead and sheep operation in its beginning stage, which is what one doesn't see too often. Instead one goes to various sheep lectures at well-established farms with high overhead and resources the upstart just doesn’t have. You can certainly learn a lot from the old hands, but too often the brass tacks are not discussed. We feel as though that this is a missing component in a deliberation process a potential farmer needs. So we are willing to open ourselves up to show you how we got started, along with the costs, and how we run our operation with limited resources. If this interests you then contact us through our website and we’ll discuss a way to meet your needs.


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