Chickens Are Not Vegans!!!

It’s funny how sometimes you come across things on Facebook, Instagram, or even someone’s blog where folks are doing something that, well, just isn’t in the best interest of their animals. A lot of the time, it seems to be more about ideology than actual animal care.

One thing I’ve noticed—especially with folks new to homesteading—is this idea that chickens should be herbivores. But here’s the thing: chickens are omnivores. They aren’t meant to live off of just grains and greens. And more often than not, I see younger people, usually women, trying to come up with these all-vegetarian feed concoctions. Now, I get wanting to do right by your animals, but in my experience, this just doesn’t cut it—not for the chickens’ health and certainly not for egg production.

On our farm, we’ve found that chickens love meat. If we have a roast, we’ll pull off some of the extra bits after cleaning it up. The dog gets the bone, and the chickens get the gristle, fat, and scraps—and let me tell you, they go to town on it. Their absolute favorite feast days, though, are when we cook up a whole rotisserie chicken. After dinner, we save the extra bits for another meal, and the next morning, I take the carcass out to the coop. You’ve never seen chickens so excited! Within 24 to 48 hours, there’s nothing left—not even the bones. Thanksgiving is another big event for them. After we’ve cleaned off the turkey carcass, it’s like an all-you-can-eat buffet for the flock.

Now, I know people want to do right by their animals and be responsible farmers, but I also see a lot of well-meaning folks who let ideology take the wheel instead of actual knowledge. And honestly, that’s not good for anyone—whether you’re a homesteader, hobby farmer, or full-time farmstead. There’s a lot of solid research out there, much of it done by the big ag companies. I know some folks don’t trust them, but the truth is, they’ve put in the time and studies. If you dig into their findings on animal nutrition, you can use that knowledge to your advantage on your homestead.

Now, don’t get me wrong—I’m not saying you should feed your chickens junk food. I’m not a fan of giving them day-old Twinkies or those bargain-bin bakery rejects. But on the flip side, a vegan diet just isn’t what’s best for them either.

Another thing to keep in mind—especially with all the buzz about egg mobiles and free-ranging—is that chickens don’t actually get all that much nutrition from foraging. Studies show they only get about 10% of their daily needs that way. That means you have to provide a good-quality feed. If you’re worried about GMOs or additives, there are great organic options that will give them all the nutrients they need, especially protein.

Anyway, I just needed to get that off my chest because I read something the other day that had me shaking my head. So, thanks for listening to my little rant—I appreciate it!


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